Up to your tricks
Asking for pics
All boys are dicks
Looking for chicks
What do you gain
From causing pain
Oh what a shame
Think it's a game
You lead me on
Not the only one
Speaking to a ton
So now I'm done
I'm over it
Done with your shit
Thought we were lit
Go suck a tit
What a surprise
Telling more lies
Well I prefer fries over guys
You a you a you a you a fuckboy
You a you a you a you a fuckboy
Oh, look at that you are a twat
Snake in the grass
Pain in my ass
Sure know how to pick
A fucking dick
You think you're slick
You make me sick
Just tell me why
Every single guy
Loves being sly
And thinks they can lie
Do what you do
Cause I'm over you
Done with you boo
Go fuck a shoe
Oh what a bitch
Chatting their shit
I'm over it
Go suck a tit
You're in the mood
Asking for nudes
Well I prefer
Foods over dudes
You a you a you a you a fuckboy
You a you a you a you a fuckboy