Well-a old Mister fox done found him a home
Down in the ground so deep
Well, the fox got a place to call his own
He got a place to sleep
Old Mister coon got a real fine home
High in the hollow tree
Well the coon's got a place he can call his own
But there ain't no place for me
I'm just a poor boy lookin' for a home
Lookin' for a place to call my own
Poor boy lookin' for a home
Poor boy lookin' for a home
Well the boll weevil find him a cotton boll
He move all his kin folk in
He found a place that is mighty snug
Down by the cotton gin
Well the bee's got a home in the honey hive
Honey in the honey comb
Well, old Mister bee's gotta keep alive
While the poor boy's lookin' for a home
I'm just a poor boy lookin' for a home
Lookin' for a place to call my own
Poor boy lookin' for a home
Poor boy lookin' for a home
Oh the catfish home is a muddy pond
He just eat and swim
Well, he don't cry when the crawdad's gone
Tadpole's fine with him
Crow's found a nest in a tree top tall
He never pay no rent
Well the poor boy's got him no home at all
He ain't got a livin' cent
I'm just a poor boy lookin' for a home
Lookin' for a place to call my own
Poor boy lookin' for a home
Poor boy lookin' for a home