Ena ena bent el wadi ena=im im a valley girl
Hena hena shams ou khadra hena=here here theres sun and greenery
Yedine el dik asaha awam=the cock crows and i wake up immediately
Ahgen we akhbez =i knead dough i make bread
We asei el hamam=and i give the birds something to drink
Awmal dena bent el baled awy=of course im a very country girl
Awmal dena helwa ou gadaa awy=of course im very tough and pretty
Enam fel woet el asha we elfager aoum=i sleep at dinner time and get up at dawn
Asaha wa nem mfarfasha =i wake up and go to sleep cheerily (being happy)
Kida kol lioum=its like this every day
Agbeni el aysha kida=i love this lifestyle
Aho da el kalem=theres no words to say (=she means to describe how she feels)
Ena omri hena ebtada =my life began here
ah ya salem=oh how wonderful!