I have lost my precious and I am bound to find it if I can
I will never be the same When Smeagol was my name.
He's the thief that took this thing
And I have told them Baggins has my ring
When the eye is glowing red there's a whisper in my head(it's mine)
(Theif Bagginses, we hates it forever!)
In the night when darkness falls - that's my time
And forever precious calls - from Anduin
I will face the mountain fire
I will crawl from Mordor to the Shire
Bleed until this leech is dead, no more whispers in our head
We have lived a thousand years - cause we are two
We exist within your fears - I'll find you
(That nasty hobbitses, don't you give it to him
He hurts us, not him
Through Cirith Ungul we will go, she will helps us
Yes, yes, get precious back)