The lights they fade in light of you
Your glory fills the temple
Awakened by the sight of you
We can but stand and tremble
Your face it shines with righteousness
Your voice it shakes the ground
You greet us with your gentleness
And fill us with your sound
The earth is filled with Your glory
Filled with Your glory, filled with Your glory
And we, we will cry holy
We will cry holy, we will cry holy
Undone by love your holy kiss
Has cleansed us by your fire
And seated with our Risen Hope
We join redemption's choir
The beggar in his lowly state
Now stands in royal robe
The orphan home, the dead alive
The dust in glory clothed
All nature joins with heaven's song
We raise our anthem holy
In every tongue the Lamb adored
In every nation worthy
Oh weep no more our Lion roars
His victory behold
While Death will die, You're glorified
And high upon the throne
Holy Worthy Might