Who am I to have your ear
when-ever I call your name
And who I to be forgiven
when certain things just don't change.
And I haven't done a thing to
deserve your favor and your grace.
After all the hurt I've cause you
Lord I must say you got me wondering
Why oh why x4
Said you would save me than I looked at you
and laughed in your face
Said you would heal me and than I turned away
and treated you like you were fake
In spite of me not being worthy
you still giving new mercy's
Day after day
and chance after chance
you never throw me away
So you got me wondering
Why oh why x4
I know the word
and the word is love
and it's sent from up above
something I'm not worthy of
I now the who and the is you
your alpha and omega
your daddy and your savior
I now the when and it's over and over again
you prove to be my friend
from the morning to PM
And I don't have a spectacular bone in my body
but you love anyway
so father I just want to say
Thank You (continuous)
(worship) :)
Who am I to have your ear
when-ever I call...