Lord I come to you in the volume of the books as its concerning me!
Calling my name/ Calling my name
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ My destiny is calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ My destiny is calling my name
My destiny is calling me and telling me live right/
No more time to play hide and seek with my life/
I've gat to lay aside every weight pulling me down/
I've gat to lay aside the sin that easily beset/
No more dining with the devil close my mouth and come to church/
No more time to wear religion/ it's time to live by the truth/
I can't afford to waste my life no more/
I gat to run this race with everything I have gat/
No more time to play with the devils toys/
This world is a stage and everyone is an actor/
I gat to play my part, I must play it well/
Cos the heaven are watching and the earth is watching too/
There is a crown for me/ yes there is!
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
My destiny is calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ My destiny is calling my name
I know the road to destiny is straight and narrow/
It takes a lot of sacrifices to travel along this road/
So many times I've gat to say no my desires/
I've gat to say no to the desires of my flesh/
Cos I've made up my mind to be among the few/
That will leave a sure mark upon the sands of time/
Help me, help me, help me Jesus/
My life must bring profit unto God's kingdom/
My life must add value unto humanity/
My life must bring profit unto God's kingdom/
My life must add value unto humanity/
Jehovah is my source and unto him I stay connected/
Not by power, not by might but by your spirit Lord.
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ My destiny is calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ My destiny is calling my name
My destiny is calling me/
I coming in a grand style/ Sometimes I hear a call, I turn around and see no one/
Sometime I hear a knock on the door, I find no one/
Now I come to realize the call is from my spirit/
Now I come to realize the knock is on my heart/
My destiny is calling on my name/ Yeaaaaah!
Calling my name/ Calling my name (my name)/
My destiny is calling me (my name)/
Calling my name/ Calling my name (my name)/
My destiny is calling my name (my name)/
Calling my name/ Calling my name (my name)/
My destiny is calling me (my name)/
Calling my name/ Calling my name (my name)/
My destiny is calling my name (my name)
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
My destiny is calling my name/ Calling my name/ Calling my name/
Calling my name/ Calling my name/
My destiny is calling my name