- 01
我只是忘不了你 (I Just Can't Forget You) [Instrumental]
姜育恒 - 02
我只是忘不了你 (I Just Can't Forget You)
姜育恒 - 03
愛不到的滋味 (Taste Love Couldn't Get)
姜育恒 - 04
我到底疏忽了你什麼 (What On the Earth I Forgot)
姜育恒 - 05
情人你把我忘掉 (Forget Me Lover)
姜育恒 - 06
你是我的左心房 (You Are My Left Atrium)
姜育恒 - 07
家後 (Behind Home)
姜育恒 - 08
以為你都知道 (Thought You Knew It All)
姜育恒 - 09
男人也會心碎 (Man Also Could Be Heartbroken)
姜育恒 - 10
姜育恒 - 11
燭光裏的媽媽 (Mom in the Candlelight)
姜育恒 - 12
想愛都難 (Hard to Wanting Love)
姜育恒 - 13
愛的痕跡 (Mark of Love)