- 01
Written In My Face (Sheamus) [Bonus Track]
- 02
Which Road (Free Or Fired/Survivor Series 2010) [Bonus Track]
Jim Johnston - 03
Pie (The Rock)
- 04
Turn It Up (Too Cool)
Jim Johnston - 05
Bad Man (Rikishi)
Jim Johnston - 06
Medal (Kurt Angle)
Jim Johnston - 07
Who I Am (Chyna)
Jim Johnston - 08
What About Me? (Raven)
Jim Johnston - 09
I've Got It All ("The One" Billy Gunn)
Jim Johnston - 10
Latino Heat (Eddie Guerrero)
Jim Johnston - 11
Out Of The Fire (Kane)
Jim Johnston - 12
It Just Feels Right (Lita)
Jim Johnston - 13
If You Dare (Tazz)
Jim Johnston - 14
Rowdy (K-Kwik)
Jim Johnston - 15
The Game (Triple H)
- 16
She Looks Good (Eve) [The Angry Kids Remix] [Bonus Track]
Jim Johnston - 17
Today (The Four Horsemen/2012 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony) [Bonus Track]
Jim Johnston - 18
Know Your Role (The Rock) [New Version]
Jim Johnston - 19
On The Edge (Edge) [New Version]
Jim Johnston - 20
My Time (Triple H / Chyna)
Jim Johnston - 21
Ministry (Undertaker)
Jim Johnston - 22
AssMan (Mr. Ass)
Jim Johnston - 23
Blood Brother (Christian)
Jim Johnston - 24
Danger At The Door (D'Lo Brown)
Jim Johnston - 25
Oh Hell Yea (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
- 26
Wreck (Mankind)
Jim Johnston - 27
This Is A Test (Test)
Jim Johnston - 28
Sexual Chocolate (Mark Henry)
Jim Johnston - 29
No Chance In Hell (the Corporation)
Jim Johnston - 30
Big (The Big Show)
Jim Johnston - 31
Break Down The Wall (Chris Jericho)
Jim Johnston - 32
Undertaker (Undertaker) [Original Jim Johnston Demo] [Bonus Track]
Jim Johnston - 33
Just Don’t Care Anymore (Wade Barrett) [Bonus Track]
- 34
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Jim Johnston - 35
Val Venis
Jim Johnston - 36
New Age Outlaws
Jim Johnston - 37
Jim Johnston - 38
D-Generation X
Jim Johnston - 39
Jim Johnston - 40
Ken Shamrock
Jim Johnston - 41
Gangrel / The Brood
Jim Johnston - 42
The Rock
Jim Johnston - 43
Jim Johnston - 44
Dude Love
Jim Johnston - 45
Jim Johnston - 46
Jim Johnston - 47
Jim Johnston - 48
King of Kings (Triple H) [Original Jim Johnston Demo] [Bonus Track]
Jim Johnston - 49
I Am Perfection (Dolph Ziggler) [Bonus Track]
- 50
I Know You Want Me (Sunny)
Jim Johnston - 51
Can’t Get Enough (Flash Funk)
Jim Johnston - 52
Dangerous (Ken Shamrock)
Jim Johnston - 53
Snap (Sycho Sid)
Jim Johnston - 54
Destiny (Rocky Maivia)
Jim Johnston - 55
Nation Of Domination (Faarooq)
Jim Johnston - 56
Dude Love (Dude Love)
Jim Johnston - 57
Ode to Freud (Mankind)
Jim Johnston - 58
Mastodon (Vader)
Jim Johnston - 59
You Start the Fire (Bret "Hit Man” Hart)
Jim Johnston - 60
Wild Cat (Marc Mero & Sable)
Jim Johnston - 61
Pearl River Rip (Ahmed Johnson)
Jim Johnston - 62
Hell Frozen Over (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Jim Johnston - 63
Dark Side (Undertaker)
Jim Johnston - 64
Broken Dreams (Drew McIntyre) (Bonus Track)
- 65
All About the Power (David Otunga) (Bonus Track)
- 66
With My Baby Tonight (Double J Jeff Jarrett)
Jim Johnston - 67
Sexy Boy
- 68
Graveyard Symphony (Undertaker)
Jim Johnston - 69
Angel (Hakushi)
Jim Johnston - 70
Hart Attack (Bret Hart)
- 71
Bad Boy (Razor Ramon)
Jim Johnston - 72
Psycho-Dance (Psycho Sid)
Jim Johnston - 73
Smokin’ (Smoking Gunns)
Jim Johnston - 74
Goldust (Goldust)
Jim Johnston - 75
1-2-3 (1-2-3 Kid)
Jim Johnston - 76
The Lyin’ King (King Mabel)
Jim Johnston - 77
Diesel Blues (Diesel)
Jim Johnston - 78
Thorn In Your Eye
- 79
We’re All Together Now