- 01
Ecourile Unite Ale Americii
Robin and the Backstabbers - 02
Soare Cu Dinti
Robin and the Backstabbers - 03
Robin and the Backstabbers - 04
Robin and the Backstabbers - 05
- 06
Marele Zgomot
Robin and the Backstabbers - 07
- 08
Vanatoarea Regala
Robin and the Backstabbers - 09
Cand Te-Am Cunoscut, Cristina
Robin and the Backstabbers - 10
Iguana Facatoare De Minuni
Robin and the Backstabbers - 11
In 3 Minute Masina 682
Robin and the Backstabbers - 12
Bacovia Overdrive
Robin and the Backstabbers - 13
- 14
- 15
Robin and the Backstabbers